Engineering Lactobacillus johnsonii Services for Live Biotherapeutics Drug Discovery

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In recent years, the development of exogenous protein-secreting engineering drugs has shown the potential to treat or prevent diseases. Microbes are tools for delivering bioactive molecules such as interleukins or antiviral drugs.Creative Biolabs has extensive experience in the field of probiotic research, including the construction of engineered strains, and our platform also offers engineering strain construction services for Lactobacillus johnsonii for different research purposes.


Lactobacillus Johnson is a symbiotic bacterium that has been isolated from the vagina and gastrointestinal tract of vertebrate hosts, including humans, rodents, pigs, and poultry. In recent years, new vaccination strategies have been developed. Since many viruses, bacteria, and parasitic pathogens enter the human body through the mucosal surface, oral antigens may mimic natural infection pathways and be a more effective immune method. Lactobacillus strains have many characteristics, making them attractive candidates for oral vaccines. Several systems have recently been described that use lactobacillus as a vector to express foreign antigens in a form that can be presented to and processed by the mammalian host's immune system. These observations have led researchers to develop oral vaccines using strains of Lactobacillus Johnsonii. The oral route of administration is more convenient than the traditional route of injection. Lactobacilli expressing antigens have been successfully constructed to induce specific IgG and SIgA antibodies in animals by oral immunization. CP25L endolysin has been shown to have anti-Clostridium perfringens activity in vitro, and its constitutive expression and output in Lactobacillus Johnsoni have recently been demonstrated. The co-culture of Lactobacillus Johnsoni secreting endotoxin with Clostridium perfringens showed that the engineered strain has the potential to control pathogenic bacteria.

Fig.1 Probiotic-based vaccine construction process.. (Kazemifard, 2022)Fig.1 How to build a probiotic-based vaccine.1

Lactobacillus johnsonii Genetic Engineering Services

  • Gene knock-out
  • Gene knock-in/Gene insertion

Engineered strain in glycerol stock

Quality Control
  • Sequencing Validation
  • Western Blot Validation (Optional)
  • PAGE
  • or cell-based assay of your interest.
Delivery Time

Starting from 4-6 weeks.

Materials from Clients
  • Overall construction scheme.
  • Host strain
  • Target gene name
  • Target gene sequence, if the whole genome sequence is unavailable

How Lactobacillus johnsonii Strain Construction Service Can Assist Your Project

  • Construct the target strains according to the needs of clients or refer to the published scheme.
  • Optimize the program to improve the success rate.
  • Delivery of the constructed target strains (knockout or integrated).


  • Lactic acid bacteria have significant advantages as oral vaccine carriers, including safety, adjuvant properties, mucosal adhesion properties, and low intrinsic immunogenicity.
  • Lactobacillus' capacity to express heterologous proteins.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the advantage of Lactobacillus Johnsonii?

Lactobacillus johnsoniihas been used as a probiotic for decades and has particular advantages in treating a variety of diseases. Here are some key points: pathogen antagonism, immune regulation, reduced inflammation, metabolic modulation, and epithelial barrier enhancement. It also has some research potential for disease prevention and treatment.

Published Data

Recombinant Lactobacillus johnsonii expressing COE protein induced immune response in pregnant sows and provided protection for piglets against PEDV infection


To develop an effective oral vaccine against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) infection, the researchers used porcine origin Lactobacillus johnsonii as an antigen delivery vehicle. A recombinant strain L. johnsoni-COE expressing the neutralizing epitope COE protein of the viral spike protein was produced. The serum levels of anti-PEDV-specific IgG, IgA, IgM, and muco-secreted immunoglobulin A (SIgA) antibodies of pregnant sows can be induced after oral L. johnsoni-COE vaccine inoculation, providing effective protection for piglets against PEDV infection. They demonstrated that the immunogenicity of the genetically engineered probiotic vaccine L. johnsonii-COE can effectively activate the cellular immune response, which implies a potential vaccination strategy to prevent PEDV.

Fig.2 Immunoprotective effects after challenge. (Zheng, 2021)Fig.2 Detection of the levels of virus RNA in feces of the piglets and immune protective efficiency after challenging.2


Further research is needed on the therapeutic potential of Lactobacillus johnsonii. Creative Biolabs specializes in live biotherapeutics development, at the forefront of probiotic research, supporting both emerging and established companies with our technical strengths and professional background. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Kazemifard, Nesa, Abolfazl Dehkohneh, and Shaghayegh Baradaran Ghavami. "Probiotics and probiotic-based vaccines: A novel approach for improving vaccine efficacy." Frontiers in medicine 9 (2022): 940454.
  2. Zheng, Dianzhong, et al. "Immune responses in pregnant sows induced by recombinant Lactobacillus johnsonii expressing the COE protein of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus provide protection for piglets against PEDV infection." Viruses 14.1 (2021): 7.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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