Host-Microbe Interaction Tests for Live Biotherapeutic Products

Host-microbe interaction plays an essential role in regulating host health, involved in immune response, intestinal flora homeostasis, various metabolic reaction, etc. It is very important to evaluate the effect of probiotic bacteria on host-microbe interaction during the development of live biotherapeutic products. Creative Biolabs is devoted to providing comprehensive and high-quality host-microbe interaction test services to accelerate the development of probiotics.

Introduction of Host-Microbe Interaction

The human body is colonized by a variety of microorganisms, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. These microorganisms interacting with our body are important for modulating health, including for host-pathogen defense, development of the immune system, energy metabolism, and maintenance of gastrointestinal homeostasis. Under healthy conditions, the interaction of gut microbiota and the host is in homeostasis. However, the disorder of host-microbe interaction induced by external stimulus may contribute to pathologies and chronic disease states. During the development of live biotherapeutic products, it is very important to test the effect of probiotics on host-microbe interaction. Creative Biolabs is a CRO in the field of the development of live biotherapeutics. We are committed to providing a full range of test services to accelerate the validation of candidate live biotherapeutics.

Evaluation of Gut Colonization and Persistence to Different Gut Environmental Stress in Murine Models

Gut colonization and persistence to different gut environmental stress are important characteristics of probiotics. We employ murine models to assess the gut colonization and persistence to different gut environmental stress of probiotics. Many studies have indicated the murine model is one of the desirable animal models, which accurately mimic the specific micro-environments of the human intestinal tract. We have accumulated rich experience in the establishment of various murine models which is optimal for evaluating gut colonization and persistence to different gut environmental stress of probiotics.

Evaluation of The Global Genome Transcription Profiling of Probiotic Bacteria in Murine Gut

Global transcriptional profiling has been applied to explore changes in the transcriptome of probiotic bacteria, aiming to identify gene expression and/or protein production patterns related to adhesion of probiotics to host. Several genes and proteins have been identified to be associated with adhesion of probiotics to host, such as mub genes, slpA gene encoding the surface-layer protein A (SlpA), and sortase-dependent surface proteins. We leverage advanced transcriptome sequencing technology to analyze the global transcriptional profiling of probiotics in a murine gut and identify key genes related to adhesion of the probiotics to the host.

Adhesion Assays to Human Intestinal Monolayers

It is very important to identify genes involved in the adhesion to the host for selecting a probiotic strain because these genes might increase its interaction with the host. We can use cultured human intestinal monolayers Caco-2 and E12 cells to support adhesion assays. We also can utilize various murine models to test the adhesion of live biotherapeutic products to human intestinal monolayers.

Evaluation of Changes in The Transcriptome of Probiotic Bacteria In Vitro Models

In vitro models are also a valuable tool to analyze the changes in the transcriptome of probiotic bacteria, which provides a relatively low-cost method for studying the mechanism of probiotic-host interaction. With the aid of transcriptome sequencing and various in vitro models, we can analyze and identify the key genes or proteins related to probiotic-host interaction, which may improve the selection of effective probiotic bacteria.

Highlights of Host-Microbe Interaction Test Services

  • End-to-end solutions for evaluation of host-probiotic Interaction
  • High quality, low cost, and charge by the step
  • Rational programs with practiced expert teams
  • A full of delivery with detailed interpretations

Creative Biolabs offers comprehensive host-microbe interaction tests for the development of live biotherapeutic products. With outstanding capabilities in the identification and analysis of live biotherapeutics, we fully leverage a variety of in vitro models and murine models as well as state-in-art technologies (e.g., transcriptional sequencing) to accurately assess the role of probiotics on host-microbe interaction. If you are interested in host-microbe interaction test services, please contact us for more details.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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Live Biotherapeutic

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