API System for Biochemical Identification

The API system has been used to identify bacteria in more than one taxonomic group. With API, a series of biochemical tests are applied to an organism cultured in the laboratory; the responses of the organism to these tests are then matched against a database of possible results to provide identification. Creative Biolabs specializes in live biotherapeutic product (LBP) development, our API system can be a great aid to your LBP research projects.

Introduction of API Test for Bacteria

API test is quick, safe, and easy to perform, and it is hence a well-established method for manual microorganism identification to the species level. Modified API test kits are also available for the identification of microorganisms covering Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeast. The API strip provides accurate identification based on an extensive database and is a standardized, easy-to-use test system.

Principle of APT Test for Bacteria

API Test for bacteria is used for identifying and differentiating bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae based on biochemical tests. The API scope provides a standardized, miniaturized version of existing identification technologies that, until now, have been complex to implement and difficult to understand. They usually measure enzyme activity and are mainly concerned with the fermentation of carbohydrates or catabolism of proteins or amino acids by the inoculated organism. All positive and negative test results are compiled to obtain a profile number, which is then compared with profile numbers in the commercial codebook or logbook (or online) to determine and identify bacterial species.

API Test Procedure

1. Bacteria are removed from a 24h culture on nutrient agar with a pipette and suspended in 2 mL of sterile distilled water to an opacity of the MacFarland 0.5 standard;

2. Sterile water (5 mL) is poured into the tray to create a moist atmosphere, and then the reaction strip is removed from its packaging and placed in the tray;

3. The bacterial suspension is then distributed into the 10 microtubes;

4. Afterward, the strip box is closed and incubated at 37℃ for 18 to 24h;

5. After incubation, all of the reactions are read. Reactions are determined according to color changes as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

Advantages of API Test

  • It is a fast and efficient method of identification and differentiation of organisms.
  • It is an easy to run, user-friendly, and standardized method of identification and differentiation of microorganisms.
  • This enables accurate identification based on a wide range of databases.

API is quick and inexpensive. Therefore, it appears to be a particularly promising tool for the routine practice of many laboratories, especially those concerned with food and environment microbiology. It has produced results that may be useful in the identification of a variety of bacteria. Creative Biolabs is a customer-driven organization that is oriented for quick knowledgeable responses to your needs. Our technical team has developed very standard and fast professional skills in API testing, greatly shortening the cycle of bacterial identification and improving the efficiency of identification. If you are interested in our API system, please contact us for more.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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Live Biotherapeutic

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