Protein and Amino Acid Analytics for Live Biotherapeutic Products

Providing not only analytical development but also qualification services for live biotherapeutic products, Creative Biolabs is the gateway to transforming your microorganism into a drug. Our scientists use state-of-art-technologies to understand how to improve the scientific basis and understanding of the functionality of probiotic bacteria utilizing proteomics approaches. From now on, Creative Biolabs provides a wide range of microbial identification services for our global customers, such as protein and amino acid analytics.

Protein and Amino Acid Analytics for Live Biotherapeutic Products

The possibility of live biotherapeutic products to modulate immunity and restore health represents a new direction in drug development and holds great promise for many patients. With advances in protein analytics methods, various methodologies for microbial identification based on protein and amino acid sequences are increasingly popular due to their specificity and speed. With more than ten years of experience, Creative Biolabs' high-quality standard and specific expertise in the manufacturing of live biotherapeutic products have been widely recognized. Our goal is to perform high-quality analytics, valid results from routine analysis to custom-developed bioassays delivered in short turnover time, and of course, always based on our client’s demands.
Now, Creative Biolabs offers a diverse platform for the analytics of protein and amino acid from standard techniques to the custom-made bioassay. Our expertise in protein and amino acid analytics covers the following services:

  • Protein identity by the amino acid composition
  • Amino acid analysis of raw materials
  • Protein purity and identity testing by electrophoretic techniques and Western-Blot
  • Determination of protein concentration
  • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • ELISA establishment and performance
  • Proteomic identification, using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

Thanks to a longstanding presence in the pharmaceutical ingredients market of biological origin, Creative Biolabs is the right partner to navigate the microbial identification challenges behind the development of live biotherapeutic products. We can work from an established protocol, or help you design a protocol that meets your particular needs. Creative Biolabs can provide the assurance you need that the methods being utilized are accurate and effective.

Features of Protein and Amino Acid Analytics Service at Creative Biolabs

  • Comprehensive protein and amino acid testing with unparalleled customer service
  • Extensive experience in dealing with a variety of live biotherapeutic products
  • Quantitative and qualitative assessment
  • Advanced technical platform
  • Fast turnaround time
  • Reliable lab report with timely update
  • Affordable price with the best quality

Creative Biolabs is dedicated to offering high-quality services that support novel live biotherapeutic products with reliable scientific validation. If you are interested in protein and amino acid analytics for live biotherapeutic products, our repertoire of expertise can provide you with the data you need. Contact us to get more information about your project.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.

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Live Biotherapeutic

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