Microbial Isolation and Screening Services for Live Biotherapeutic Products
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With the development of Live Biotherapeutic Products (LBPs), Creative Biolabs has become a leading research and development company of LBP. With a wealth of experience in microbial resource mining, activity screening, application testing, dosage form development, and industrial production, we have established a cultural-to-product platform with cutting-edge technology. Our integrated solutions from resources to LBP applications make us the preferred partner, we are flexible to develop the necessary analytics for your project.
All LBP applications include a "description of the drug substance", including the biological name and strain designations; the source of cells from which the drug substance was derived; the culture/passage history of the strains. These demands should be possible for most LBPs isolated from the microbiome. We are now on the cusp of a new era in probiotic research. With the development of better culture methods, metagenome sequencing, and more powerful tools. Creative Biolabs can develop custom probiotics for you to address specific needs and issues.
Microbial Isolation and Screening Services
Creative Biolabs has established a microbial isolation and screening platform, which is capable of obtaining more microbial species than traditional technology, acquiring "difficult to culture" microorganisms more efficiently, thus obtaining rare and unique microbial resources. A potentially excellent strain is at the heart of LBP development, from sample treatment, analysis of microorganisms in a sample, optimization of medium and culture conditions to the acquisition of pure culture, we offer the most comprehensive, high-quality microbial isolation and screening services, which facilitate the start-up and development of your LBP research project in early-stage.
First, the second-generation high-throughput sequencing technology is used to detect the species and relative abundance of microorganisms in the samples.
Determine if there is a target strain of interest in the sample. If present, proceed to the next step.
After determining the relative abundance of the target strain, the culture conditions and medium of the target strain are determined by referring to literature and data.
Enrichment of the target strain from samples by limit dilution.
Perform large-scale separation, purification, and repeated operations to identify the target strain.
ID testing: Gram Stain, morphology evaluation, and other strain identifications.
Sequencing of presumptive isolates to identify species.
Storage of isolates.
Shipping of isolates to sponsor.
Strain freeze-dried powder, bacterial suspension.
Strains are grown on a solid slant medium.
Human or animal stool samples.
Skin microbiological sample.
Oral microbiological sample.
Fermented food.
Soil, silt, and other environmental samples.
Any other low-risk samples from which you want to isolate the target bacteria.
If you are ready to submit your samples for testing, please fill out the Sample Submission Form.
Detailed project report.
The isolates. (If obtained.)
Technology platform
Microbiology laboratory, aerobic incubator, anaerobic workstation, biosafety cabinet, second-generation high-throughput sequencing, etc.
Advantages of Services
Considerable experience with LBP development.
Flexible to meet the unique needs of LBP projects.
Advanced platform with powerful technology.
The diversity of microorganisms can be screened.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is screening and isolation of microorganisms?
Screening involves detecting and isolating specific microorganisms from a mixed population. It's a crucial step in developing producer strains for various applications. The term isolation refers to the process of detecting, isolating, and screening microorganisms from natural environments containing large microbial populations (such as feces, oral samples, skin samples, soil, pickles, and fermented products), to identify the microbe(s) of interest.
What are the three isolation techniques in microbiology?
Microbial isolation techniques play a crucial role in microbiology, allowing us to extract individual microorganisms from mixed cultures. Here are some common methods. The traditional methods of streak plating, pour plating, and selective media have played important roles in many microbiological studies. Indicator Dye Technique, Enrichment Culture Technique, and others are also employed.
The development of LBP is complex and requires carefully designed to assess probiotic viability, changes in microbiome composition and function, and host benefits. Creative Biolabs' high-quality services in microbial isolation and screening for LBP make your journey of LBP development more smooth. With our expertise and extensive experience in microbial isolation and screening, we can help you solve critical questions during LBP development. If you want to know more, please feel free to contact us for further communication with our scientists.
For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in
food manufacturing or medical procedures (diagnostics or therapeutics). Do Not Use in Humans.
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